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2024 Fashion Show Fundraiser

to benefit

Caregiver Respite Program by 
Waveny Visiting Nurse & Hospice


Support the Caregiver Respite Program, operated by Waveny Visiting Nurse & Hospice.

Support this important program, so that Waveny Visiting Nurse & Hospice can provide vetted assistants to homes where caregivers are helping their ill loved ones. Caregivers need breaks in order to get groceries, go to doctor appointments, or just stop and have a coffee. The Caregiver Respite Program provides assistants to take over during those breaks, so loved ones are not left unattended. Thank you for your support!

The Caregiver Respite Program

"People are living much longer and caregivers themselves are aging out. We now have situations of the elderly caring for the elderly, often bedridden loved ones. There are no breaks, even for their own doctor appointments. The mental, emotional, and physical stress is simply enormous - it is immediate. The money we receive will go toward providing at least five hours of respite care per week to as many people as we can reach." - Mary Ross, Visiting Nurse & Hospice

Can't attend our Fundraiser, but want to help?

Click below to donate now

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